========================================= PermissionsPlus Documentation and How-To: ========================================= PermissionsPlus - Adds functionality to Permissions plugin Version: 1.4.1 [jar] CraftBukkit: [b617jnks] Description: PermissionsPlus adds commands to allow administrators the ability to modify their Permissions config from within Minecraft client. Now with Multi World Support. REQUIRES: Permissions 2.5.4 Files: PermissionsPlus.jar: Main plugin file ================================================================================================================================================================= How-To: ================================== REQUIRED: <> OPTIONAL: [] /group [world] Sets group for user. This command verifies that the group exists. Also modifies existing user's group or adds the user if not. Permissions Required: permissions.group /promote [world] Promotes the specified user to the next rank if available. Permissions Required: permissions.group /demote [world] Promotes the specified user to the next rank if available. Permissions Required: permissions.group /setgroupperm [world] Command to allow an Op or authorized user via Permissions plugin to add a permission to a specific group. Permissions Required: permissions.group.perms /getgroupperm [group] [world] Command to allow an Op or authorized user via Permissions plugin to view a group's specific permissions for the specified group or the user's group if no group is specified. /removegroupperm [world] Command to allow an Op or authorized user via Permissions plugin to remove a specific permission from specified group. Permissions Required: permissions.group.perms ============================================================================== Changelog: ============================================================================== Version 1.4.1 - [jar] -Bug fix in promote and demote commands from console Version 1.4 - [jar] -MultiWorld Support Version 1.3 - [jar] -Cleaned code, removing and rearranging -Better handles external config file edits Version 1.2 - [jar] -Added /promote command -Added /demote command -Added permission for /setgroupperms /removegroupperms, permissions.group.perms -Fixed Op promoting bug -Running commands now only reloads permissions instead of all plugins Version 1.1 - [jar] -Fixed inaccurate version number reported in console -Fixed bug that was not allow Ops to send command -Allows case-insensitive usernames and groups -Disallows promoting up to or above current rank -Disallows demoting ranks higher than sender -Adds functionality to run commands from console -Added /getgroupperms command -Added /setgroupperm command -Added /removegroupperm command Version 1.0 - [jar] -Initial Release!